November 4th I received a text from my sister around 11pm saying her contractions were ten minutes apart and she was having a glass of wine & going to bed. I smiled at the text because she had had so many contractions in the past few days that have stalled out & I didn't know if this was the real deal or not. Well, at 2:30 am I got another text saying, "Answer this text or I will call". She didn't want to wake anyone at my house by calling. I texted her back that I was up and she texted back, "Come over". I jumped up and put on my clothes I had laid out and grabbed two bags... hospital bag w/ my laptop & games for the kids and a snack bag w/ oranges, granola bars, & other treats to help the kids get through the day. She only lives 5 miles from me so I got to her house pretty quickly. Chris & Liz were gathering things together and finally were ready to go. I gave her a big hug hoping that her baby took his time coming so I could get the kids to the hospital, because we didn't know how long he was going to survive. After she left I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet & debated what to do next. I texted a few priests & asked them to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet as well. I fell asleep on the couch downstairs only to be woken a half hour later by Frances (2yr old) crying for her mommy. She was standing at the top of the stairs. I picked her up and carried her back to bed without turning on the lights. Her mattress in on the floor and I fell over something as we laid down in bed. She said, "Mary Jane". Then I saw MJ move at the end of the bed. She then sat up and looked at me while rubbing her eyes. She got up and went to the bathroom. When she returned to bed she looked at me and said, "How'd you get here?" Frances began to cry again and I figured out she needed to go to the bathroom. When we all got back in bed I read a Curious George book to them. I then told MJ to turn off the light so we could get some sleep. As I drifted off again, my phone rang & it was Fr. Jack making sure that our brother, Fr. Joe was there to cover at the hospital. I texted Fr. Joe to call me & he confirmed he was already at the hospital. I got up about 6:30am because I couldn't sleep any longer. I got online & requested prayers on from all my friends. I couldn't wait for the kids to wake up so we could get going because I just wanted to be at the hospital. After they awoke, I ran around getting them changed & packed a bag w/ a change of clothes in case they went home with someone else that night. My sister Denise called & we decided to meet at Chik-fil-a & get the kids breakfast & then she followed me down to the hospital. We arrived around 10:30am. It was a big waiting room and we took over one main area. Now all we could do was wait... wait & pray. For awhile the kids colored pictures of St. Joseph w/ baby Jesus, and watched "old school" cartoons on my laptop. I was sitting there next to Denise looking at my laptop and I started to tear up. She asked what's up and I told her I was reading Liz's blog... She was blogging back in her hospital room! Denise, Fr. Joe, & I got to go back and visit with her as she walked the halls trying to get the contractions to pick up. She said that she got good contractions whenever she cried & I said well give me a hug as I teared up.
When I returned to the waiting room I grabbed a blue notebook I had brought for the kids to draw or color in. Samantha had written in it a couple of short paragraphs. They brought tears to my eyes and I showed it to all who were there. I feel compelled to share it here:
We're in the hospital. We are still not allowed to see my mom. I hope Jedi is born soon. My mom texted Aunt Regina at around 11 at night and told her she was having contractions. Later at about 2 in the morning, my mom texted her again and told her to bring us here.
We just got to see her for a little bit. She was walking around. I gave her the picture I drew for Jedi. We have to pray for him. I sent my guardian angel to him. Hurry up and get born Jedi!
Now grandma and grandpa get to see mom. I hope Jedi doesn't take as long as Frankie took.
Dear God,
help Jedi to live as long as it takes for me to get to know and love him.
Her in-laws had arrived to the hospital at the same time I did with the kids so they were an extra pair of helpful hands. Mom & Dad were there as well. I had brought a coloring picture of the rosary so the kids could color & pray the rosary. The kids sat in a ring around the table on the floor while grandparents, & aunts & uncles sat in chairs around them. My dad led the rosary like he did when we were kids and we had friends visiting who weren't Catholic. He asked each of Elizabeth's kids what each sorrowful mystery was and then proceeded to explain the mystery giving us all a meditation. Then he asked the kids in turn to lead a mystery. Liz's doula was there & her in-laws, all who aren't Catholic but wanted to be a part in the prayers for Liz & Jedi. After the rosary, her in-laws took the kids to lunch & we kept up our vigil. Around 3:00, we decided to say the Divine Mercy chaplet. This was only the adults because the kids were engrossed in a movie across the room & we decided not to bother them since they were quiet. Again my dad led it and we all joined in. It is so beautiful to BE NOT AFRAID to show our faith so openly in a waiting room where mothers in labor & their families are surrounding us! We took part in a fathers joy at the birth of his first baby... he was just glowing! Another mom (5mths pregnant) who was concerned about her baby because she had fallen and wanted to make sure the baby was okay. The waiting game was hard... when is Jedi coming? will he be alive? how long will he live? There were tears in a few of our eyes knowing the Liz was battling with herself mind versus body. I went back at one time it was beginning to get dark. I sat with my sister Margaret while Liz was in the shower. I prayed & tried to think of how I could be helpful... feeling at a loss. I didn't want to say or do the wrong thing. I pointed out the name of one of our mutual friends name was on the building next to us. She said she had noticed it too. I then left and returned to the waiting room.
With all the phone calls & text I was receiving my phone battery had died and thankfully Liz's father-in-law had been able to swing by my house and pick up my charger. I wanted to keep as many people up to date so they would be praying hard the whole time. Fr. Jack arrived at the hospital around 7pm. He had done a lot of driving that day and he declined any food so I think he was fasting. Eating wasn't something I was concerned with either. I never left the waiting room. I just wanted to hear Jedi cry!
When Chris came out around 9pm to get the priests (Fr. Joe & Fr. Jack), he said she was getting ready to push. The photographer hadn't gotten to the hospital yet & Christina's camera was in the delivery room so we decided to go back in order to get the photos Liz wanted. I really didn't have a reason to go back except I just wanted to be close to that door and hear Jedidiah. Fr. Joe, Christina, & Chris were sitting on the opposite wall to Liz's room. I knelt right next to the door facing Fr. Jack. I pulled out my chaplet beads and Fr. Jack asked me what I was praying and I told him the rosary. He said, "Let's go". So I began to lead the rosary out loud. I led the 1st mystery, and while Fr. Jack led the 2nd mystery I took some deep breaths because I was getting choked up & could hear Christina taking deep breaths as well. Fr. Joe led the 3rd mystery and then I heard Chris who had been sitting quietly, start to sob. My sister Christina put her hand on his shoulder and I moved closer to him. We paused between the 3rd & 4th mystery for Fr. Joe to bless the holy water with the oils. Christina then did the 4th & I barely got through the 5th mystery. The "pushing" was seeming to take forever.
Christina ran in to take pictures when the baby came out and again we were waiting. Finally her doula came out and got Chris. She said, "He is breathing but has not cried yet." When they closed the door I knelt in the hallway with my head against the door and just prayed, "Lord let him cry!" The doula came back and got the priests to come in for the baptism. She gestured me in but I didn't want to intrude so I waited behind the curtain and just listened. I saw a nurse hanging back out of the way and all of them seemed to be just standing there watching but not really attending to Liz or Jedi. I came around the curtain and I saw the most beautiful, breathtaking picture I will always have implanted in my mind...the room was dark except for a single light the seemed to illuminate Liz holding Jedidiah and Chris standing with his arm around her looking down at his baby and a single tear ran down his cheek. I paused to take it in... the awesome miracle I was witnessing! Christina who was taking photos at the end of the bed motioned for me to come stand next to her. I went to the end of the bed and watched Margaret (our sister) suction the baby. He began to turn purple and I whispered, "Start the Baptism". Once he got the blow of oxygen his color returned and Fr. Joe & Fr. Jack continued the Baptism & Confirmation of Jedidiah. Right near the end of the Baptism I ran back to the waiting room and brought everyone who was waiting back to the hallway outside of the delivery room. I wanted them to be there, not knowing how long we had with Jedidiah. We did bring the kids in really quickly so they could see Jeddiah. Christina handed the camera off to me because she had to go feed her little one. I took a couple of pictures and then the professional photographer showed up, so I handed the picture taking on to her. They ushered the kids out so they could cut the umbilical cord. I went outside in the hallway and showed those waiting photos of Jedidiah on Christina's camera. Samantha was crying hard and I went and gave her a hug. Everyone was leaning on each other. We had 15 people waiting in the hallway for a turn to get a peek at this little miracle. I went back to the waiting room and updated my facebook on Liz's wall so all could see he had arrived and was doing better than expected.
No one really looked at the clock when he was born so at best guess we thin he was born at 9:30pm (which was the time we use to end our family rosaries at home growing up). It was a First Friday, November 5th, and she delivered in Room 11 - eleven kids are in our family, just a few things I thought of during the day.
I went back one more time to see Liz before we loaded up the kids. She said, "He kicked me. Right before I pushed the last time... I was fighting it and he kicked as if to say it's time." She also said, "She wanted to see the face of God." He looked so perfect in her arms! Thank you God for this special gift!
It had been a long day and I still had to drive Liz's kids & her van back home. Thanks to Henry for talking to me about burgers & who has the best burger. Also Frankie, who had had a late nap was singing, "Aunt Regina, Aunt Regina the whole way home." That really helped me to stay awake the final leg of the journey. I got to their house and helped Liz's father-in-law carry the kids upstairs. After everyone was settled, I got in my car and headed home. I had not eaten all day and they had passed on some leftover pizza to me, so when I arrived home at around 12:30am I heated up a piece. I sat to eat and contemplated what had just happened. Little did I know the up and down hills we were going to face or what Liz & Chris were going through at that very moment but I knew that God was in control and He will would be done.
Lastly I want to thank Chris for taking such great care of our sister! You have been there for her the way she has needed you and I have never been more proud to call you my brother-in-law! Thank you for fighting for your son and being a hero of an uncle that my kids can look up to, especially my sons. I want them to know what it means to be a father and one of conviction when it comes to your children.
Anyone who hasn't read my sister's blog can read it to learn more about Jedidiah Joseph's journey.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
My Bro has left the states for Afghanistan!
Thank you God for a great SURPRISE visit from Fr. Kevin! It was so great to get one last hug & take part in one last Mass w/ him especially on the feast of the Archangels! It was an extra blessing to have his brother priests Fr. Joe (actual brother) & Fr. Tom Hennessey say Concelebrate w/ him!!! To see the three of those in action together again... Thank you God for the gift of HOLY priests!
At Grandma & Grandpa's later we had breakfast & an exhibition of some of the artillery power a couple of the soldiers were carrying with them. They also lined up in the basement to take turns looking through the night goggles! What fun times! To add to their memory book they dragged Fr. Kevin & two of the soldiers outside for a kids vs. the military soccer match. My sister & I could not stop cracking up at the continuous commentary from one of the soldiers. He was so funny! He tried to distract the kids by telling them a hummingbird was over their shoulder. He also pretended to be a girl's voice calling for the ball! They will never forget today!
God, please protect those men fighting for our freedom & please bring back our brother safe & sound to his family! Thank you again for all your blessings!
At Grandma & Grandpa's later we had breakfast & an exhibition of some of the artillery power a couple of the soldiers were carrying with them. They also lined up in the basement to take turns looking through the night goggles! What fun times! To add to their memory book they dragged Fr. Kevin & two of the soldiers outside for a kids vs. the military soccer match. My sister & I could not stop cracking up at the continuous commentary from one of the soldiers. He was so funny! He tried to distract the kids by telling them a hummingbird was over their shoulder. He also pretended to be a girl's voice calling for the ball! They will never forget today!
God, please protect those men fighting for our freedom & please bring back our brother safe & sound to his family! Thank you again for all your blessings!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
God Give Me Strength!
My sister is due in 39 days w/ a baby that is not supposed to survive. He has been diagnosed w/ Trisomy 13. Every time I talk about my sister or Jedidiah I end up in tears. I read her blog & end up in tears. Am I going to be strong enough for her when the time comes? Am I going to be strong enough for her 6 kids to lean on & give them the guidance that our faith teaches?
I feel strong when I talk to my sister & we go over her plans & wishes trying my best to help her achieve what she desires most. I hope I can be there for her, the exact way she wants me to be there for her. I want to be her strength while she grieves when God takes Jedidiah home. I know I will cry w/ her b/c I am already emotional now. I am not looking forward to the end of October at all b/c of how hard it is going to be. I know God has a plan. This is my strength...the knowledge that God creates everyone for a purpose. Our job is to trust that Jedidiah's purpose will be fulfilled.
I know he has already touched many lives through his strength of making it to 35 weeks & his mom has touched many through her complete devotion & protection of him from any medical personnel or outsiders that have made comments toward the thought of ending his life before God has had the chance to make this miracle shine!
I am so proud of my sister and even though she is three years younger, I look up to her in such a way I never have before. I was always the one looking out for her & now she is showing me how to stand up & apart in walking a path she never would have chosen for herself. She has grabbed the cross Christ has given her & she carries it w/ a heart only a mother could. God Bless her! I love you sis! & GOD GIVE US STRENGTH!
I feel strong when I talk to my sister & we go over her plans & wishes trying my best to help her achieve what she desires most. I hope I can be there for her, the exact way she wants me to be there for her. I want to be her strength while she grieves when God takes Jedidiah home. I know I will cry w/ her b/c I am already emotional now. I am not looking forward to the end of October at all b/c of how hard it is going to be. I know God has a plan. This is my strength...the knowledge that God creates everyone for a purpose. Our job is to trust that Jedidiah's purpose will be fulfilled.
I know he has already touched many lives through his strength of making it to 35 weeks & his mom has touched many through her complete devotion & protection of him from any medical personnel or outsiders that have made comments toward the thought of ending his life before God has had the chance to make this miracle shine!
I am so proud of my sister and even though she is three years younger, I look up to her in such a way I never have before. I was always the one looking out for her & now she is showing me how to stand up & apart in walking a path she never would have chosen for herself. She has grabbed the cross Christ has given her & she carries it w/ a heart only a mother could. God Bless her! I love you sis! & GOD GIVE US STRENGTH!
Friday, July 30, 2010
My first blog
God is good! I thank God everyday for my family...the one I was raised in and the one I am raising w/ my husband!
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